Jeg har lyst til at kipppe med flaget. Min gode veninde Asbjørg Lyngveit fra Business Institut i Norge fortalte mig på vores bestyrelsesmøde i IABC i Stockholm i onsdags, hvordan hun og et par venner var begyndt at skrive sammen på Facebook, efter at massemorderen Beiviks bl.a. havde givet nordmændenes kendte børnesang ”Børn af regnbuen” skyld for hans handlinger.
De blev enige om at sende en opfordring til deres venner om at mødes udenfor retten for at synge sangen og medbringe en rose. Torsdag mødtes de – 40.000 mennesker. Hun skriver om arrangementet:
Hi all,
This has been an overwhelming experience today. When I left home to go downtown this morning, 4.000 people had signed up at fb to gather & sing.
Pouring rain outside, and I thought well, perhaps a couple of thousand will actually show up. And there we were; 40.000 caring, fine & peaceful people singing and waving our roses! Security people worked for free, employers had let their employees off, there were schoolclasses, kindergardens, old & young, handicapped in wheelchairs, all kinds of people. Even the police got some roses they carried around. We had a procession towards the courthouse, people singing all the way. In front of the court we put our flowers down, and journalists and camera people were actually crying. Inside the court house, we could see all floors full of people gathered in the big windows, looking down at us. weird to know that my husband was in there… I know the terrorists lawyers were going to tell him about what was going on. Inside the court room, survivors from the ministeries witnessed about their cruel experiences, knowing that we were singing for them outside. Lawyers cried.
Thank you all for your sympathy – and I must admit, I love this country & its people.
Best Asbjørg
Se den bevægende video, hvor det er lykkedes fotografen at fange Asbjørg midt i vrimlen, hvor hun står med en stor buket røde roser